
Podcasts: KDC #9: Planting Bitcoin with Dan Held: The Future of Human Civilization & Technological Evolution on the Monetary RootLayer of Bitcoin (Episode 4 of Special Series) 🔗 5 years ago

The Keyvan Davani Connection

Awesome and truly exciting talk with Dan Held. 

Again, I have learnt so much in one hour. Please, listen to our talk and Dan Held´s wisdom and let me know your feedback and questions.  Thank you for your support!

After having following Dan for a long time and reading his extremely educational and enlightning articles ("Planting Bitcoin" and many other publications), I had the pleasure to meet him in person at the Value of Bitcoin Conference in Munich on June 3rd 2019, where Dan did a fascinating presentation on Bitcoin, energy...& being part of a very interesting and heated panel discussion. 
Part of the spectrum of topics and knowledge covered in our talk: 

  • Process of mass-adoption of Bitcoin ("hodling") 
  • Absolute Scarcity of Bitcoin and its key-essence 
  • Freedom from Government and State 
  • Central Banks, Inflation, Credit Expansion, Keynesianism, Socialist Intervention, Global Debt 
  • Structural, Social, Scientific, Technological Evolution on the Monetary Rootlayer of Bitcoin
  • Exciting things coming up!!!:) 

Follow Dan Held on: 

Based on my article "Scientific and Technological Evolution on the Monetary RootLayer of Bitcoin" , I had a fascinating "bigger picture"-talk with Aleks Svetski on the future of human civilization and the scientific-technological innovations &evolution on the monetary rootlayer of Bitcoin.  Background for this special series: Even though more and more (mainstream-) people are waking up  and open up to the understanding of Bitcoin...there are only a  very small number of Bitcoiners, who know and comprehend exactly the essence, bigger picture and transformational power of Bitcoin.  There is a uniquely  specific intention and reason for my special series of episodes with a very  special background: Saifedean Ammous correctly pointed out in his book, The Bitcoin Standard (p.96-98) the comparison and analysis of the 19th (gold standard; hard money) vs. 20th century (central bank-fiat-money, ...)...and the number of original "zero to one"  technological innovations in the 19th century vs. the "one to many" innovations in 20th century (essentially most of the publicly available technologies today are more or less optimization, improvements etc.). Saifedean is making excellent  points and cited very interesting studies, but there is only one point I have a different knowledge and understanding: there are indeed highly technological advanced innovations and real implementations, but definitely never disclosed to the public (talking about the suppressed ideas, innovations...or  confiscated patents in the name of "national security" because of their highly disruptive power for the power-controlling  structures).  To make it short: By sharing thoughts, perspectives, knowledge, and vision on the future of our "different" societies  and ultimately human civilization on the monetary rootlayer of  Bitcoin, we can educate, empower and inspire humanity to connect  the dots of comprehension- the unimaginable and beautiful chain-reactions of cause&effect of the soundest and hardest money ever created in human history -   whatever you want to call it: Hoppe´s "process of civilization", exponential technological innovations,...or scientific-technological evolution by order of magnitude on every level we can or cannot imagine, let alone understand.

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