
Podcasts: Raoul Pal: Bitcoin and the New Promised Land 🔗 3 years ago

Coin Stories

Raoul Pal leads Real Vision to provide unparalleled access to the very best insights and analysis from the brightest financial minds. He prides himself on being a Business Cycle Economist, Investment Strategist, and Economic Historian.


Real Vision is a disruptive financial media brand, created to help investors understand the complex world of finance, business and the global economy, with in-depth analysis from real experts. The video platform delivers exclusive, long-form interviews, research, live strategy calls, documentaries and analysis from impossible to access guests and the sharpest minds in global finance. There is also written research and a range of live events held all over the world. In addition, Real Vision is commissioned by leading financial services brands and fintech to create and distribute bespoke video content on their behalf. Uniquely, Real Vision has a young, wealthy and educated audience that engages with content at levels that are unprecedented in the industry.

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