
Podcasts: CryptoQuikRead_355 - How Decentralization Dies [Brandon Arvanaghi] 🔗 5 years ago

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"Decentralization has [...] been a vessel for achieving a concession from a centralized body it is protesting. Every decentralization play has followed a simple pattern: protest a market inefficiency, win that protest via a major concession, and then disappear back to fringes of society." - Brandon Arvanaghi

What can we learn from the history of decentralized protocols and the huge battles of history during the disruption of the internet, versus the corporate and media giants of the day? Does it spell doom for Bitcoin and decentralized systems as the central banks & financial giants concede to give control back to the customer? Or is there something else entirely at play? Don't miss this great read and then Guy's Take on how Decentralization Dies!

Don't forget to drop some applause on the original article and follow Brandon on twitter for more insights like this one!

A huge thank you to all of my patrons for contributing to this project and helping to promote this show! I couldn't do it without you. A special thanks to SovereignFinancials for such a generous donation!

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