
Podcasts: S14 E20: Lea Petrasova on Vexl & Why P2P Bitcoin Exchanges Matter 🔗 26 weeks ago

Bitcoin Takeover Podcast

Lea Petrasova is the president of the Vexl Foundation, one of the project's co-founders, and certainly one of the most ardent supporters of exchanging bitcoin in a peer to peer fashion. In this episode, she explains why you should consider using Vexl.

Vexl: Introduction and Purpose (00:01:51) Lea Petrasova introduces Vexl as a mobile app that allows users to buy and sell Bitcoin peer-to-peer without going through a centralized exchange or even benevolent third party.

Vexl: Comparison to Tinder (00:02:48) Lea explains that Vexl can be compared to Tinder, but users can only connect with people within their social circle, making it safer than meeting someone randomly.

Vexl: Drawbacks of Other Peer-to-Peer Exchanges (00:04:04) Lea discusses the three major drawbacks of other peer-to-peer exchanges: global order book, reputation model, and usability.

Real-world reputation in the app (00:12:17) Lea explains how Vexl brings users' real-world reputation into the app, allowing them to see common contacts and social circles when buying or selling Bitcoin.

Using phone numbers as identifiers (00:15:27) Lea discusses why Vexl uses phone numbers as identifiers, highlighting their widespread usage and the ability to match users with contacts and contacts of contacts.

Vexl's monetization model (00:16:54) Lea Petrasova explains that Vexl is a free, open-source project and a gift from Satoshi Labs to the community, with no plans for monetization or collecting fees from Bitcoin peer-to-peer trades.

No fees, no data collection, and open-source(00:24:15)

Lea Petrasova explains the absence of fees and data collection in Vexl, as well as its open-source nature.

Expansion of Vexl to other markets and the gradual scaling process (00:25:45) Lea discusses the expansion of Vexl to other markets, such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the UK, and Italy, and the gradual scaling process observed in these territories.

Usability improvements and new features planned for Vexl (00:26:59) Lea Petrasova highlights the focus on improving usability and adding new features to Vexl, such as a trade calculator and better map functionality.

Vexl and Chill (00:36:47) Lea discusses how buying bitcoin through Vexl eliminates the complexities and concerns associated with centralized exchanges.

The Origin of Vexl (00:38:15) Lea explains that the term "vexl" dates back to communist Europe and refers to proxy merchants who exchanged foreign currencies.

The Importance of Peer-to-Peer and No KYC (00:43:40) Lea emphasizes the need for peer-to-peer transactions without KYC requirements to maintain the financial sovereignty and intended purpose of Bitcoin.

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