
Podcasts: S15 E2: Sergi Delgado on Developing Bitcoin at Chaincode Labs 🔗 18 weeks ago

Bitcoin Takeover Podcast

Sergi Delgado is an engineer at Chaincode Labs, whose specialization and previous academic research is in peer to peer (P2P) networks. In this episode, he talks about his views on existing proposals to improve Bitcoin.

In this podcast episode, Chaincode Labs engineer Sergi Delgado talks about Bitcoin development challenges, the Lightning network, and the importance of testing and security. Sergi talks about his lightning simulation software, SimLN, and its role in improving the lightning network's reliability. He addresses a recent LN vulnerability, the role of watchtowers, and the balance between decentralization, privacy, and user experience. The conversation also covers Bitcoin core development, skepticism towards altcoins and layer two solutions, and the complexities of protocol changes. Sergi emphasizes careful analysis when adding new features to Bitcoin and shares his positive experience working with the talented team at Chaincode Labs.

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