
Podcasts: Gradually then Suddenly Pt 4: Bitcoin & The Money Printer with Parker Lewis - WBD391 🔗 3 years ago

What Bitcoin Did

Location: Houston, TX Date: Thursday 25th August Company: Unchained Capital Role: Head of Business Development

In times of economic crisis, central banks have the power to step in and attempt to aid recovery by ‘printing’ dollars. When injected into the commercial banking system, these new dollars prevent an economic slowdown.

While this may sound like a favourable alternative to an economic slowdown and businesses failing, it is not without consequences.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the U.S government has printed money at an accelerating pace, with analysts claiming that this is driving inflation.

In our economy, the central banks hold the ultimate power. They decide when they print money and how much. Bitcoin is different. With its fixed supply and controlled issuance, everyone on the network knows how many bitcoins are in circulation and the future issuance. It is the most inclusive and transparent monetary network ever to exist and the antithesis of central banking.

In this interview, I talk to Parker Lewis, Head of Business Development at Unchained Capital. We discuss the fraying of the fabric of society, money printing and the wealth gap and why politics are ineffectual. 

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