
Podcasts: Chat_112 - Consensus Problems with ReardenCode šŸ”— 5 days ago

Bitcoin Audible

"If we leave Bitcoin as it is, itā€™s a new money for the 1%. The 1% can absolutely hold their own coins in a way that they really couldnā€™t with gold in the same in the same way. So thereā€™s. But the question is, are we are we building Bitcoin to be a new money for the 1% or the point 1% or are we building Bitcoin to be a new money for the world that fundamentally decentralizes peopleā€™s ability to control their own finance. And certainly Iā€™d much rather be building the latter thing fundamentally decentralizing finance, not new money for the wealthy."
- ReardenCode

Have we reached a point where establishing consensus for a change to Bitcoin is even possible? Join me as I chat with ReardonCode to delve into the complexities of Bitcoin governance, try to find common ground on what Bitcoin actually needs, breakdown the various technical proposals, and explore the trade-offs between salesmanship, earnestness, and "pot-stirring" in the pursuit of a brighter future for Bitcoin. Is there a way to balance the need for innovation with the need for caution and prudence in the development of the Bitcoin protocol? Don't miss this chat.

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