
Podcasts: Read_846 - Three Strangest Paradoxes of Mathematics 🔗 3 days ago

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"Sometimes your gut feelings lead you astray—particularly in mathematics, in which one constantly comes across results that seem impossible... There are also many scenarios that appear contradictory at first glance (or second or third). These paradoxes can be explained, however. They are not errors but rather reminders that we should not rely too heavily on our intuition in mathematics."
-Manon Bischoff

What if our intuition can trick us when it comes to understanding complex and interactive systems? What happens when our worldview is challenged by seemingly contradictory ideas? In this episode, we explore three mind-bending paradoxes in mathematics and examine how they can help us better understand the nuances of Bitcoin and the world around us.

Check out the original article and other great works of the author at Three of the Strangest Paradoxes in Mathematics (Link:

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